Weda signs with new distributor in Australia, New Zeeland and the South Pacific

Oct 30, 2019

Weda has signed an agreement with Fulcrum Commercial Pty Ltd, South Hobart, Tasmania for distribution of Weda´s complete series of underwater cleaners for industrial tanks and reservoirs and for public pools. With the cleaners from Weda Fulcrum now offers a complete range of underwater ROV´s for cleaning and inspection of basically all types of reservoirs. Fulcrum has its head office in South Hobart and representative offices in Australia, New Zeeland and the South Pacific.

At Weda we are pleased to work with Fulcrum to develop the market for underwater reservoir cleaning that Weda originated in the mid 1990´s. Cleaning of for example drinking water reservoirs with robots has today become standard procedure by water companies around the world and Weda can present references from work with most major water companies.

We are looking forward to working with Fulcrum to develop the relatively new markets in Australia, New Zeeland and the South Pacific.

For more info please go to or find Fulcrum on FB and Linkedin.