How Israel works on fresh water supply

12 Feb 2020

Fresh water has always been an issue in Israel as well as in many other countries. Increased demand for water stems to a large extend from an increase in population and a higher standard of living. During recent years, Israel's water crisis has been gradually worsening. There are several reasons for the water shortage:

  • Israel is a semi-arid region with few sources of water;
  • the population is growing rapidly;
  • the standard of living with its accompanying consumption of water per capita is rising;
  • there have been several consecutive years of drought.  

According to data from the Mekorot Company, the average daily household rate of consumption in Israel ranges from 100-230 liters per capita, an increase of 23.3% over the previous decade.

Of the general water consumption, the most significant increase has been in household consumption – an increase of 95%, while industrial use has increased by only 4.3% and agricultural use has actually decreased by 9.4% due to the decrease in water allotment for agriculture.

Israel’s sources of water include underground water from the mountain and coastal plain aquifers, ground water from Lake Kinneret, rivers, lakes, floodwaters and now, water reservoirs. Underground water is the largest reserve of water in the country. Approximately two-thirds of the water in Israel originates from underground water that remains stored naturally underground and is pumped from wells or springs.

Over the past years desalinated water has also become an important source for fresh water. Israel has several desalination plants and more to come.

All fresh water is saved in hundreds of various sizes of reservoirs before being distributed to the consumers.

These reservoirs have many benefits: they improve the water economy, solve the problem of wastewater disposal and leave more fresh water available for domestic use. They also provide farmers with a regular source of inexpensive water.

We are pleased to be a part of the water distribution in Israel. Our recent delivery of two large Weda YT-800 underwater cleaning robots with 15kW pumps are now keeping some of the major reservoirs with sizes up to 400 x 100 meters clean from all bottom sedimentation. The work is carried out by our representative Yanniv Raz from Bar Marine services

Keeping the reservoirs clean without wasting too much water may be almost as important as finding the water from the various sources. Clean water with a minimum of sedimentation also save the distribution network and minimizes the need for chemicals for disinfection.
